Carnation residents have until January 4th to submit comments to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) about a settlement agreement between Petree Properties and ADEQ, regarding the contamination of a pesticide called Dieldrin. This contaminant showed up at 4 discrete locations on the Central & Glenrosa property.
According to Eric Kenney, one of the owners of the property, the chemical was found in 4 locations out of hundreds of soil samples taken at the property. Eric explained that Dieldrin is a heavy-duty pesticide, which was outlawed for most uses in 1979, and then outlawed in the US in 1987. It was primarily used to kill termites when injected below the slabs of homes in a diluted form. It is not a water-soluble chemical, so it isn’t seeping into water supply, and it does not flow through the air unless disturbed. Petree believes there were roughly 4 homes at the location where this chemical was found.
To mitigate this issue with ADEQ, Petree Properties intends to remove roughly 450 cubic yards of material in accordance with California environmental standards. The reason they are using California standards is because the state of Arizona does not have any clear rules or regulations on removal of Dieldrin. They plan to go one to two feet below ground for what is excavated. Petree will communicate and let residents of Carnation know when removal will occur, and use water to keep it from becoming airborne during removal, as part of a dust control plan. Eric also emphasized that there is no Arizona law requiring Petree to do this removal, but they are doing it because they feel it is the right thing to do.